Food Guide
Creamy Filet Mignon

Creamy Filet Mignon

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    Temper 1 1/2 kg of filet mignon, whole, with half a lemon, chopped onion, pepper, and two tablespoons of oil. Do not add salt. Let it rest for an hour. Place 125g of butter in a baking dish. Put the filet in and cook on all sides for ten minutes. Add a large onion cut into thick slices and three tomatoes cut into wedges. Bake in a preheated oven for 25 minutes, always basting with the proper sauce. After that time, place one cup of boiling water over the filet and let it simmer for another 15 minutes. Cover the filet with one cup of cream that is not chilled. Let it bake for an additional 15 minutes. Remove and sprinkle with salt to taste.

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    Sauce for the Filet:

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    Remove the meat from the baking dish. In the same dish, place two cups of water. Bring to a boil, then strain through a sieve. Add half a can of sautéed mushrooms; one cup of heavy cream mixed with one tablespoon of wheat flour and one teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix everything

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    in a saucepan, temper with salt, let it simmer slightly and add one cup of Porto wine. Serve hot accompanied by the meat in slices.

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