To prepare fresh turkey pastry flour, use 2-3 day-old turkey breast or thigh, when it becomes firmer. Remove the skin with a serrated knife. Cut the meat into pieces and blend in a blender or processor. Use this flour to make farofas, bind cake fillings, and also to dust masses, meats, and poultry that take white sauce, to brown and give a crispy texture. A quick and tasty suggestion is to mix 1 cup of turkey pastry flour with 1/2 cup of toasted and ground cashew nut butter and 1/3 cup of melted butter. Season with salt and black pepper to taste. Place seasoned turkey breast or thigh slices on a greased refrigerator rack. Cover the slices with the farofa and bake in a moderate oven (180°C) for about 30 minutes or until the meat is cooked and the topping is golden.
To prepare fresh turkey pastry flour, use 2-3 day-old turkey breast or thigh, when it becomes firmer. Remove the skin with a serrated knife. Cut the meat into pieces and blend in a blender or processor. Use this flour to make farofas, bind cake fillings, and also to dust masses, meats, and poultry that take white sauce, to brown and give a crispy texture. A quick and tasty suggestion is to mix 1 cup of turkey pastry flour with 1/2 cup of toasted and ground cashew nut butter and 1/3 cup of melted butter. Season with salt and black pepper to taste. Place seasoned turkey breast or thigh slices on a greased refrigerator rack. Cover the slices with the farofa and bake in a moderate oven (180°C) for about 30 minutes or until the meat is cooked and the topping is golden.