Food Guide
How to Prepare Onion

How to Prepare Onion

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    When preparing whole onions, make a small crosscut on the crown side to prevent them from falling apart.

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    To give onion a special flavor, fry it with butter and a few drops of honey.

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    To mellow out a very strong onion, cut it into slices, separate into rings, and soak in cold water for an hour. It's perfect for salads.

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    Red onions have a milder flavor and when cooked, they become unappealing. So, use them raw and in salads.

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    Don't confuse onions with green sprouts, as that means at least one layer has gone bad.

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    To get onion juice, you can squeeze it like an orange.

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    If you're storing half an onion in the fridge, rub butter on the cut side. That way, the onion will stay fresh for a longer time.

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    If you need to use only half of an onion, cut it before peeling. With skin, it keeps better.

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    Store onions in a place with good air circulation.

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    Much more convenient: chop a large quantity of onions and freeze them in plastic bags. They can be stored in the freezer for months and don't need to be thawed before using.

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    To not cry while cutting onion, there are several suggestions:

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    Put the onion in the fridge before chopping.

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    Peel it under cold running water.

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    Wash your hands with cold water frequently while chopping the onion.

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    Turn on the exhaust fan, while you're chopping.

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