Two things are necessary to prepare a cooked ham. Heat it well and give it a delicious caramel coating. Calculate 2 to 3 hours in the oven for a ham of 4 to 6 kg. Remove the skin from the ham, but be careful not to remove too much, leaving all the fat. Leave a strip of skin around the bone. Make cuts approximately 1 cm deep covering the entire surface of the ham, forming a pattern of squares or lozenges. Cover the surface with the following paste:
a tablespoon of mustard
1/2 cup of brown sugar or Karo blue
a tablespoon of ground cloves
Enough liquid to form a paste
(vinegar, wine, or fruit juices)
Two things are necessary to prepare a cooked ham. Heat it well and give it a delicious caramel coating. Calculate 2 to 3 hours in the oven for a ham of 4 to 6 kg. Remove the skin from the ham, but be careful not to remove too much, leaving all the fat. Leave a strip of skin around the bone. Make cuts approximately 1 cm deep covering the entire surface of the ham, forming a pattern of squares or lozenges. Cover the surface with the following paste:
a tablespoon of mustard
1/2 cup of brown sugar or Karo blue
a tablespoon of ground cloves
Enough liquid to form a paste
(vinegar, wine, or fruit juices)
Decorate the ham with cloves
Place the cloves in the fat forming the design you desire
Put the ham in a baking dish, with the fatty side up
As the ham is cooking, brush it with wine or fruit juice carefully so that the caramel coating does not break off
If desired, in the last 15 minutes, you can place some pineapple slices in the baking dish to get warm and slightly caramelized and use them to garnish the ham.