a cup of wheat flour
a cup of sugar
a cup of raisins without pits
a cup of finely chopped orange peel
a cup of finely chopped almonds
a cup of citrus cordial, well shredded
a cup of grated orange zest
a cup of salt
a cup of wheat flour
a cup of sugar
a cup of raisins without pits
a cup of finely chopped orange peel
a cup of finely chopped almonds
a cup of citrus cordial, well shredded
a cup of grated orange zest
a cup of salt
Mix the dry ingredients well, leaving out only the butter, sherry, and eggs beaten
After that, taking care not to make the dough too hard or too soft, wrap it in a large napkin
Take the napkin as if it were a bundle
Tie it with string, giving many turns so that it becomes well tightened
Place the pudding in a saucepan with plenty of boiling water, but do not let the water cover the pudding
Leave it simmering for six hours
Maintain the level of water, adding more as it evaporates
Turn the pudding every two hours
Let it cool before removing from the napkin
One final tip: it's a dish to make in the evening.