For the dough: Combine yeast with warm water, add milk, sugar, salt, egg, butter, and 1 1/4 cups of flour. Mix until smooth.
Add more flour as needed to form a workable dough. Knead for 5 minutes or until elastic.
Place in a greased bowl, cover, and let rise until doubled.
Deflate the dough, add chopped nuts, candied fruits, and lemon zest. Mix until combined.
Mold into an oval shape, approximately 20 cm x 29 cm. Brush with butter and fold the dough in half, pressing gently.
Place in a greased baking dish, let rise for 30 minutes. Bake in a moderate oven (180°C) preheated for 20 to 45 minutes or until golden.
Let cool before frosting.
Frosting: Mix confectioner's sugar with milk and spread over the dough.
Decorate with candied fruits, cherries, and nuts. Serve in 10 slices.
For the dough: Combine yeast with warm water, add milk, sugar, salt, egg, butter, and 1 1/4 cups of flour. Mix until smooth.
Add more flour as needed to form a workable dough. Knead for 5 minutes or until elastic.
Place in a greased bowl, cover, and let rise until doubled.
Deflate the dough, add chopped nuts, candied fruits, and lemon zest. Mix until combined.
Mold into an oval shape, approximately 20 cm x 29 cm. Brush with butter and fold the dough in half, pressing gently.
Place in a greased baking dish, let rise for 30 minutes. Bake in a moderate oven (180°C) preheated for 20 to 45 minutes or until golden.
Let cool before frosting.
Frosting: Mix confectioner's sugar with milk and spread over the dough.
Decorate with candied fruits, cherries, and nuts. Serve in 10 slices.
Prepare the dough: In a bowl, dissolve yeast in warm water, add milk, sugar, salt, egg, butter, and 1 1/4 cups of flour
Mix until smooth
Bate até ficar lisa
Vá acrescentando mais farinha até obter uma massa fácil de trabalhar com as mãos
Coloque-a numa superfície polvilhada com farinha e amasse por 5 minutos ou até que fique lisa e elástica
Coloque numa tigela untada com manteiga e gire para que a massa fique toda untada
Cubra e deixe crescer até dobrar de volume
Abaixe a massa (com a mão fechada, empurre a massa para baixo)
Junte as nozes, as frutas cristalizadas e a casca de limão
Amasse, pressionando a massa sobre uma superfície polvilhada
Abra em fôrma oval de 20 cm x 29 cm
Pincele com a manteiga e dobre a massa pela metade, pelo lado mais largo
Aperte as extremidades e coloque numa assadeira untada com manteiga
Deixe crescer por 30 minutos
Leve ao forno moderado (180º), preaquecido, por 20 a 45 minutos ou até dourar
Retire do forno e deixe amornar
Fça a cobertura: misture o açúcar de confeiteiro com o leite e espalhe por cima da massa
Decore com frutas cristalizadas, cerejas e nozes
Dá 10 fatias.