1 large piece of mocoto, approximately 2 kg
5 liters of water
3 cinnamon sticks
3 Indian coriander leaves
1 piece of lime rind
Season to taste
1 snow-white egg white
1 large piece of mocoto, approximately 2 kg
5 liters of water
3 cinnamon sticks
3 Indian coriander leaves
1 piece of lime rind
Season to taste
1 snow-white egg white
Place the sliced mocoto into a large pot with water
The butcher will cut it into rodelas with a saw
Let it cook over medium heat for 3 hours, until the mocoto is falling apart
Strain the hot mocoto through a cheesecloth or fine-mesh sieve to separate the meat from the liquid
Reserve both
Put the broth in a refrigerator mold and let it freeze for 2 hours
After freezing, at the bottom there should be a gelatinous layer and on top a layer of fat
Remove this fat with a spoon and wipe the surface of the gelatin with absorbent paper to remove all excess fat
Add the canela, cravo, lime rind, seasonings, and whipped egg white to the gelatin
Heat it over low heat for about 10 minutes (the egg white does not mix with the liquid, it floats on top, serving only to clean and clarify the gelatin)
Remove from heat and strain the hot gelatin through a cheesecloth or fine-mesh sieve
Place in a bowl and let it cool
Refrigerate to set
Serve chilled
6 servings
80 calories per serving.