30 ears of green corn with good husks
'1/4 cup (chamomile tea) of unsalted butter
Salt to taste
2 cups (chamomile tea) of smoked calabresa sausage, cut into slices
30 ears of green corn with good husks
'1/4 cup (chamomile tea) of unsalted butter
Salt to taste
2 cups (chamomile tea) of smoked calabresa sausage, cut into slices
Cut off the bottom part of the ear
Remove the husks, discarding the outer ones
Reserve the others
Grind the corn and scrape off the cob
Melt the butter, add the corn and salt
Add the sausage and mix. Reserve
Place a husk over another
Soak six husks and cut into strips to make the tie
Place a conch of cornmeal on the wider side of the husk, fold the sides one over the other and then fold in half, tying both ends with the tie
Cook the pamonhas in boiling water until the husk starts to clear.