Food Guide
Christmas Turkey (Verissimo Family Recipe)

Christmas Turkey (Verissimo Family Recipe)

  • 1

    Prepare the turkey: thaw the turkey a day in advance. Blend the seasonings in a blender. Remove the turkey's skin without tearing it, and use a fork to shred the meat. Apply the seasoning to the turkey. Fold back the skin and apply the remaining seasoning all over the bird. Place it in a large bowl, cover it, and refrigerate for 4 hours, flipping occasionally.

  • 2

    Prepare the rice: Preheat the medium oven (170°C). In a large frying pan, fry the onion, sausage, and garlic in 1 tablespoon of butter. Season with salt, pepper, and cook until they're soft. Reserve in a large bowl. Refry the mushrooms in the remaining 2 tablespoons of butter for 2-3 minutes, stirring. Season with salt and thyme to taste. Add the chicken breast and fry for another 2 minutes. Join the wine and cook for about 5 minutes. Place everything in the bowl with the onion and sausage. Add the rice and mix well. Join the eggs, pecans, parsley, and seasonings to taste. Stuff the turkey with a little of this rice mixture without squeezing it. Close the opening with a slice of bread to prevent the filling from coming out.

  • 3

    Stuff the turkey: Fill the turkey cavity with the remaining rice mixture. Fold the skin over the filling without squeezing it. Place it in the oven and roast for about 5-6 hours, basting occasionally. Blanch the cabbage leaves. Remove the stems and fill them with the remaining rice mixture. Fold the leaves together to form little purses and decorate with red pepper strips.

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