Carefully remove the rind from a tender prosciutto and leave all the fat behind, leaving only the bone. Leave a strip of rind around the bone. Make a cut approximately 1 cm deep, covering the entire surface of the prosciutto, forming a design of squares or lozenges. Cover the prosciutto with the following paste:
1 tablespoon of mustard in powder form
1/2 cup of cornstarch or Karo blue label
1 tablespoon of ground cloves
Carefully remove the rind from a tender prosciutto and leave all the fat behind, leaving only the bone. Leave a strip of rind around the bone. Make a cut approximately 1 cm deep, covering the entire surface of the prosciutto, forming a design of squares or lozenges. Cover the prosciutto with the following paste:
1 tablespoon of mustard in powder form
1/2 cup of cornstarch or Karo blue label
1 tablespoon of ground cloves
Add enough liquid to form an easy-to-spread paste
The liquid can be either vinegar, wine, or fruit juice
Season the prosciutto with cloves
Place the cloves in the fat, forming a design as desired
Place the prosciutto on a baking sheet with the fatty side up
As the prosciutto roasts, brush it lightly with wine or fruit juice, being careful not to dislodge the caramelized topping
If desired, during the last 15 minutes of roasting, you can add slices of pineapple to the baking sheet so they warm and caramelize slightly before serving.