Food Guide
How to Melt Chocolate

How to Melt Chocolate

  • 1

    1 - Grate a desired amount of chocolate onto a marble surface (keep your hands as far from the chocolate as possible). Use a knife to scrape the chocolate into a fine aluminum pan. Place the pan in an aluminum baking dish with cold water.

  • 2

    2 - Heat the chocolate over low heat. Stir the chocolate with a wooden spoon, ensuring it melts evenly. Be careful not to splash water onto the pan.

  • 3

    3 - Do not let the water boil. If the chocolate has not melted, turn off the heat and stir until it forms a smooth mass.

  • 4

    4 - Immediately pour the chocolate onto the marble surface (wipe the bottom of the pan before doing so, to prevent dripping). Allow the pan to cool, leaving its contents under running water.

  • 5

    5 - When the chocolate cools, beat it on the marble surface with a spatula or wooden spoon, making circular motions from outside in.

  • 6

    6 - After beating well, test the temperature by dripping a small amount onto the back of your hand, just above the base of your thumb.

  • 7

    7 - Once the chocolate is completely cooled, pour it back into the pan using a spatula. The pan should also be cool.

  • 8

    8 - Use a wooden spoon to vigorously beat the chocolate for about three minutes. If desired, use this chocolate to coat truffles .

  • 9

    9 - To make truffles without filling, simply pour the chocolate into specialized plastic molds.

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