Food Guide
How to Prepare Braised Meat

How to Prepare Braised Meat

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    When preparing a braised meat, it's essential to use a correct and suitable pan that's wide, heavy-duty, and non-stick, with a lid that fits tightly. This will ensure the meat cooks evenly and prevents it from sticking to the pan.

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    Heat the oil over medium heat. Make sure it's hot enough before adding the meat. The oil should be simmering but not producing smoke.

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    Carefully add the meat in layers, leaving space between each layer. Adding too many pieces at once can lower the oil temperature and prevent proper browning. This process takes about 10 minutes; stir occasionally and turn larger pieces to ensure even browning.

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    To preserve the juices of the meat and achieve a crispy texture, the trick is to pass the pieces through seasoned flour before frying them. This also adds flavor and color, as well as thickening the braising liquid slightly. To make the seasoned flour (enough for 1 1/2 kg of meat), mix together 1/2 cup of all-purpose flour, 1 1/2 teaspoons of salt, and 1 teaspoon of black pepper. Pass half of the meat through the flour at a time, and for larger pieces, only two at a time. Then, fry them afterwards.

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    Some drops of lemon juice or red wine vinegar added during the last 15 minutes of cooking can elevate the flavor of the braised meat.

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    Many braised meats are even better the next day. Remove any solidified fat from the surface and start reheating over low heat, stirring frequently. As the braising liquid heats up, increase the heat slightly.

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