Food Guide


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    If someone says it's easy to make an omelet (omelette, as grammar enthusiasts would have it) - either it's a very experienced cook or it's an optimist. Making an omelet requires practice, plenty of practice and a certain technique. Two essential things are: high heat and a heavy, cast-iron skillet exclusive for omelets. The skillet in question must be washed, never wiped clean, to gain that crust which allows for better omelets - consistent and golden outside, yellow and fluffy inside. More secrets: to prevent the skillet from sticking, warm it with olive oil inside and then wipe off excess egg white with a white cloth. The other is making omelets all at once, serving them immediately and eating right away. And here's a recipe: beat six eggs not too well; add salt, a pinch, and cream of tartar, two tablespoons, plus two tablespoons of heavy cream. Add a little vanilla for flavor. Heat the skillet with clarified butter very hot: pour in the eggs and roll up like any omelet worth its salt likes to be rolled. On the plate, sprinkle with grated cheese and drizzle the omelet with two glasses of rum. Put it on fire and serve immediately. These omelets are nicknamed after the liquor used to flavor them.

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