Unthaw leftover turkey (or tender ham) shredded. Remove from freezer one day before using and leave in refrigerator. The next day, mix with mayonnaise, finely chopped pickles, and make sandwiches, also using slices of cheddar cheese or Minas. Another option is to mix the shredded meat and mayonnaise and use as a filling for flaky pastry turnovers, those that you see already prepared.
Unthaw leftover turkey (or tender ham) shredded. Remove from freezer one day before using and leave in refrigerator. The next day, mix with mayonnaise, finely chopped pickles, and make sandwiches, also using slices of cheddar cheese or Minas. Another option is to mix the shredded meat and mayonnaise and use as a filling for flaky pastry turnovers, those that you see already prepared.