5 eggs
200 g of mascarpone cheese
100 g of confectioner's sugar
3 egg whites
1/2 cup (ch) of confectioner's sugar
1 tablespoon of cognac
1 and 1/2 package of champagne biscuits
2 cups (ch) of strong coffee without sugar
250 g of whipped cream
Chocolate in powder for decorating
5 eggs
200 g of mascarpone cheese
100 g of confectioner's sugar
3 egg whites
1/2 cup (ch) of confectioner's sugar
1 tablespoon of cognac
1 and 1/2 package of champagne biscuits
2 cups (ch) of strong coffee without sugar
250 g of whipped cream
Chocolate in powder for decorating
Beat the eggs with mascarpone cheese and confectioner's sugar until smooth and homogeneous. Reserve
Beat the egg whites until snowy, then add confectioner's sugar and cognac and beat again. Reserve
Moor the biscuits slightly in coffee and create alternating layers in a refrigerator or individual tigelas with requeijΓ£o cream and egg whites
Repeat the operation until all ingredients are used up, and decorate with whipped cream and chocolate powder sifted.