To prepare homemade tripe, you'll need a meat grinder, a funnel, and dry or salted tripe (which can be found at butcher shops, markets, and grocery stores). See how to prepare the tripe: Dry tripe should be washed to remove any salt. To do this, place one end of the tripe in the faucet and let water run through it. If it's pierced or damaged, cut off that part. Note: Tripe can be frozen for up to a month. In this case, to thaw, remove it from the freezer one day in advance and leave it in the refrigerator, or remove some hours before and place it in a bowl with warm water.
To prepare homemade tripe, you'll need a meat grinder, a funnel, and dry or salted tripe (which can be found at butcher shops, markets, and grocery stores). See how to prepare the tripe: Dry tripe should be washed to remove any salt. To do this, place one end of the tripe in the faucet and let water run through it. If it's pierced or damaged, cut off that part. Note: Tripe can be frozen for up to a month. In this case, to thaw, remove it from the freezer one day in advance and leave it in the refrigerator, or remove some hours before and place it in a bowl with warm water.
1 - After the last grinding of the ingredients, stir with a wooden spoon until the mixture is creamy
2 - Remove any remaining parts from the grinder and funnel and attach the tripe, leaving 10 cm outside the funnel
3 - To fill the tripe, make a double fold to close off the end of the tripe
4 - Start slowly grinding the meat through the grinder, working at a constant pace, so that the tripe is filled evenly
5 - Use a fine needle to pierce the tripe in areas where there are pockets of air
6 - After filling, make a knot at the end of the tripe
If you want smaller tripes, tie each 10 cm with twine.