Food Guide
Pheasant or Quail with Rice

Pheasant or Quail with Rice

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    Leverage and season pheasants or 12 quails at your leisure. Bring to boil 1/2 cup of olive oil, simmer, add the pheasants or quails, cover, and let them soak in water until they're almost tender. Remove the pan from heat and allow the broth to settle before adding 1 medium diced onion, garlic cloves, fresh parsley, 2 peeled tomatoes (seeds removed and diced), and 1/2 kg of rice. Cook a little, stirring carefully to avoid damaging the game birds, then add boiling water until everything is covered. Stir well and season with salt, let it simmer for a bit longer, cover the pan again, and put it over low heat. The rice should be slightly mushy; if needed, add more water. Serve immediately and warm.

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